Conflict Competence in your company – Effectively Resolving Conflicts

"Peace, joy, harmony" - belongs in the world of myths.

Conflicts and tensions are simply part of everyday business life. The frustrating part is that tensions within your co-founder team slow you down more often than you'd like. I provide you with the tools you need to openly address tensions and constructively navigate conflicts.

Regain more ease in your collaboration.

The fact is that around 65% of start-ups fail due to interpersonal conflicts.

* (Techstars one of the largest incubators worldwide)
Experience & Reviews of Sandra Kramer-Kowalzik I Koru Coaching GmbH

Typical conflicts in a team - do you recognise yourself?

FACT IS that only 10% of the startups dealt intensively with themselves as a management team in the first 24 months.

In the first few years after founding your company, the focus is typically on scaling, product development and sales, and that's a good thing. Everyone pitches in where he or she is needed. The initial euphoria carries you through some chaotic times. After a few years, you realise that the collaboration in your co-founder team has changed: The common, fast-paced "we're moving forward" and "we're building something", "everyone pitches in" fades more into the background. Consolidation, scaling of processes and organisation are becoming more important. This is where tensions and conflicts arise: the familiar "growing pains" become noticeable: coordination difficulties, unclear roles and responsibilities, meetings in ever larger groups. This is normal and often leads to tensions and smouldering conflicts.

Sandra, expert in conflict competence and conflict resolution in business teams

Hi, I'm Sandra - your expert for conflict resolution in business teams

My mission is to support entrepreneurial teams in realising the full potential of their collaboration so that they can focus all their energy on creating forward-looking solutions.

I have been working with entrepreneurs and management teams for 25 years: as co-founder of a blockchain start-up, team lead in a high-tech company, executive and team coach and partner of a serial entrepreneur.

I love conflict.

Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I love the challenge of it. Supporting co-founders and decision-making teams in naming the elephants in the room, taking away the fear of conflict and mastering challenging situations is my thing. I've often heard "the wiser one gives in"... but then the stupid ones would always win...

Conflict resolution programmes for business teams - The Koru Conflict Navigator

Team Conflict Navigator

Do you have tensions or conflicts in your co-founder team that you want to resolve? As a team, are you ready to take a closer look at the issues in order to regain more ease? Or do you want to get fit together as a team to master conflicts well? Then the Team Booster programmes are right for you.

Conflict Navigator 1:1

You have a problem with your co-founder and you first want to clarify for yourself what strategy and options there are as to how you can change the situation or deal with it better. Or your co-founder is not going along with you? Or you simply want to develop your conflict skills? Then you've come to the right place with my 1:1 sparring offers.

Conflict Immediate Assistance

If you're in a tight spot or need to make a decision quickly, you can get fast and unbureaucratic support here to effectively overcome your short-term challenges.

The fact is: 34 % of all insolvent companies* stated that disagreements within the founding team were largely responsible for the failure.

*ZEW study, 2010: Causes for the failure of young companies in the first five years of their existence

How to improve cooperation in your business team through conflict resolution

"It's about ending meaningless conflicts, opening meaningful ones and regulating the rest wisely "

Klaus Eidenschink in "The Art of Conflict", 2022

Do you recognise these challenges? Then you've come to the right place for effective conflict resolution

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