
Team Booster Retreat

Intensive team time. "Elephant in the room" and conflicts on the table.
Leaving comfort zones. Broaden perspectives.

Improve conflict management in the team and resolve tensions

Team Booster Retreat

In the intensive retreat weekend for co-founders, you take 2.5 days out of your everyday life to focus on your common goals, your collaboration, your tensions and conflicts and to give your founder team a fresh boost. It is the best foundation for a successful start as a team.

*Travel, accommodation, room hire, catering, outdoor activities, etc., not included

Focus on the 2 - for you - most important modules of the Team Booster programme

Team Health Check (THC)

This is where you determine where you currently stand as a topic. We check the "pulse" of your team on several relevant dimensions and the THC enables you to recognise exactly where risks and ambiguities lurk in your team. It gives you clarity about your strengths and challenges, your tensions and conflicts. Like a medical check-up, only for the performance of your team - essential for every next step.

Team Basics & Dynamics

In this module, you will delve into the depths of your team structure, identify how you deal with conflicts and the typical causes of your conflicts and tensions. With the help of team diagnostics, you will gain a better understanding of yourself and your role and values in the team. You learn how to navigate the dynamics in your collaboration and build trust and appreciation. This sets the sails for efficient collaboration.

Clarity & focus

Unclear responsibilities are typical causes of conflicts and tensions in the founder team, which have an impact on the entire company. Clear roles and responsibilities are therefore the basis for efficient collaboration. They change frequently in the various phases of a company. With clarity, you can refocus your energy and use it to achieve your goals instead of playing gruelling positioning games. Your employees will thank you for it 😉

Meetings & decisions

Tired of endless, boring and unnecessary meetings in which people argue about the same topics over and over again? Are all your topics important? Do strategic topics keep slipping off the agenda because operational issues are urgent? Put an end to this at last! Find the right mode for every decision. Determine who can make which decisions and what you can delegate. In this module, you will learn how to optimise your meeting structure, clarify contentious issues and reach clear and sustainable decisions.

Conflict potential

The supreme discipline is dealing with conflicts. Conflicts are part of our lives, they are part of change. Your organisation is constantly changing, so there will always be conflicts and tensions. You will learn new perspectives on how to deal with conflicts successfully. Here we take a closer look at your conflict dynamics, how you can avoid destructive conflicts and stop the destructive downward spiral. And you will learn to appreciate conflicts and discussions as a struggle for the best solution for your company. I promise!


Constantly developing your personality and getting to know yourself and your triggers is important in order to be able to skilfully handle and play with conflicts. Your personality has a direct impact on your leadership style. Authentic leadership is created when you harmonise vision and action. This has a direct impact on your team and your corporate culture. We look at which leadership roles are particularly suited to you and suit you. So that you can respond to the power and strength of each individual.

Sandra, expert in conflict competence and conflict resolution in business teams

Greetings, I'm Sandra

My mission is to support entrepreneurial teams in realising the full potential of their collaboration so that they can focus all their energy on creating forward-looking solutions.

I have been working with entrepreneurs and management teams for 25 years: as co-founder of a blockchain start-up, team lead and team coach and partner of a serial entrepreneur.

I love conflict.

Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I love the challenge of it. Helping co-founders and teams of decision-makers to name the elephants in the room, to take away the fear of conflict and to master challenging situations is my thing.

Let's get started

Register for the Team Booster Retreat

Take your next step now and discover what potential lies dormant within you.

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